How do I connect my PS3 to the internet ? - Instructables

Want to connect your PlayStation 3 to your CenturyLink WiFi modem? This video provides the step-by-step information to get and stay connected. Don't worry about taking notes or writing anything down—detailed instructions are also available below the video. How do I connect my Playstation 3 to my Dell Inspiron Oct 23, 2012 Troubleshooting Network Connection Issues 3. Check Your Internet Connection. Confirm that you are able to connect to the Internet from your location using your home computer, on the same network. If you cannot connect to the Internet, you will need to contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) for additional assistance on your account/connection.

How do I connect my Playstation 3 to my Dell Inspiron

17/11/2009 · Yes, you can use your laptop as a bridge device to your college's wireless network. You have to set your laptop for Internet sharing and connect your PS3 to the laptop via Ethernet (wired). Your computer will act as the DHCP server and Gateway for the PS3. Note however, that your college can just as easily block all traffic to the PS3 network 17/10/2009 · The WIFI in the ps3 will connect wirelessly to the internet with a wireless router or adaptor that sends a signal to the ps3 that hooks up to an already connected PC or laptop but save your money and just connect the ps3 to the laptop with the ethernet. Goto settings. Goto network settings. Goto network connection, select enable. Goto Internet Well, TheEndless, that is not always the case with ps3's after your ps3 had picked up the wireless router, you might need to enter a WPA key or a WEP key, enter your WPA/WEP key. if your wireless router does not have a security code, (WPA/WEP key) do not enter one. then carry on as TheEndless did One of the main features of the PlayStation 3 gaming console is the ability to connect to the Internet. This feature is mostly used to play games online with people from around the world. However, you can actually use the Internet feature to connect your PS3 to your laptop. Once connected, you can play games on the PS3 console right from your computer. All it requires is a networking cable.

Can I connect my PS3 to my wireless laptop for internet

how do i connect my PS3 to a wireless internet?? | Yahoo Dec 25, 2007 How do i connect wireless to the internet with my ps3